Sunday, April 11, 2010

Keepin it real on the Sabbath

It's Sunday.
It's Sunday and our blow dryer broke.

(PS. Sorry for the lack of blog posts. Life has been too busy! Texas and Wedding pictures coming soon!)


Salai said...

oh my.....I love it!! Made my day !!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL

Mamawags said...

I couldn't wait to get home from church to see this picture!!!

LOVE IT!!! Now I know just to head over to the Winn's when my hair dryer is out :)

Krystyna said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA no way, really? OMG I AM DYING!!!! That is soooo funny!

Likely said...

You know Joan would have been the maddest if mom went to church with a wet head.

I would love to see a picture of YOUR head after the drying session.

This is hilarious.