Cranberry Tree: You need patience and TIME for this one, but its worth it. You need a styrofoam cone ( I found one at the dollar store) and I actually strung the cranberries on string and wrapped them around the cone. I had rhinestone straight pins and stuck some through some of the cranberries to help support and to add a little something more. Glittered Trees: I created two cone shaped trees painted one red and one green. While the paint was still wet I sprinkled with glitter. I love glitter. Book Christmas tree: I just cut 1 inch by 3 inch strips and glued them onto a paper cone starting from the bottom. I used a pencil to curl the tips up.
I found that watching The Polar Express while crafting really helps. :)
Merry Christmas!
My brother and sister in law had a little metal shelf that you put in your cupboards that helps with giving you more space. Well, I got extremely creative and used it to store my paper. Now they all stand up and its easier for me to thumb through them. I organized my papers by company and made these little dividers. Really proud of myself for thinking outside of the box on this one (sorry the pic is a little blurry).
I found these old vintage jars at a thrift store in California. They are old peanut butter, coffee, tang, cottage cheese jars and I fell in love with the lids and shapes. I use them to hold my inks, stickles, buttons and twine. I also got those cool goblets at a thrift store here in Utah and they hold my glitter.
A closer look at my "Create" banner. Kinda in love with making banners right now..obviously. You can also see one of my frames. Its a picture of my Grandpa and my mother as a little girl. Two of my favorite people.
I created this little piece of artwork and framed it. I loved this paper so much and felt like it was cute enough to frame on its own. I just added a quote I love so much, " Nothing happens unless first we dream..."
Another project I am proud of... I took this chair from my grandma when I visited her in Idaho. It was dirty and had a nasty white plastic seat. I ripped it off and recovered it myself with some old fabric I found at a thrift store. I am SO pleased with how it came out! Looks professional, right?!
Now I just need to get in there and start creating!
I LOVE Halloween.
Its one of my favorite holidays.
I love the weather (more so in California--when its not so cold) , the changing leaves, carmel apples, trick or treaters, costumes, scary stories/movies and I love the decorations.
(does that not look heavenly?)
Lex, got her papercraft on and made these pictures and framed them.
We painted our front door yellow. Not for the season, but because we wanted too.
And of course we had to get pumpkins.
Not too shabby for some poor girls...huh?
Happy Halloween All!!!
(case and point)
Blender & hot water.
Nice, huh?
Bathroom--the only thing thats semi-new in the entire house.
Aleksi's room
The backyard wraps around the whole house..so its pretty decent sized. The open gate you see in the picture leads to our SECOND backyard--which is mostly dead grass and a firepit.
FYI..this picture was taken *before*our yardwork.
Out of the several, SEVERAL places that I have looked at and called on..its the only place that I get excited about and the only place that I can really picture coming home to after all the amazing dates I will be having with hot guys.
We (me,aleksi and her two brothers) actually call it The Ghost House. When we walked around to the backyard we saw a small, wooden swing hanging from the big tree in the back and it was slightly creepy. It also has a cellar under the house that we are 80% positive is the home for this girl...
scary, right?
I first had nightmares about it, but they quickly turned into thoughts and dreams of how cute we could make that house. We decided that we could live with the creepy homegirl under the floor if we put a nice, heavy desk right on top of her exit.
I know I just need to get over it, we can't afford the place, but thats easier said then done. I'm going to call the property manager on Monday and try my best to convince her (because it is run down and needs work) to come down on the price.
I doubt it will happen, but wish me luck!
(Just realized its been nearly a month since I have blogged--whoopsie. Maryland trip still to come.)
They are cute though and I will own a pair of TOMS one day, but today is not that day. Today I found gold shoes, the ones I have been looking for. Most of you will not have any clue what I was thinking. Some of you will say what my mom said when I showed her my new shoes "hmmmmmm....ok."
Picture this... Grandma Shoes+Michael Jackson Shoes= MY NEW SHOES!!! :)
No? Don't see it? Don't care. The best part??
I bought them for 5 BUCKS!!
I know some of you may be thinking it was 5 dollars too much and that they should have paid me 5 to take them off their hands, but I love them.
I may stand alone on this purchase and that is ok because at least I stand alone in some ghetto fab, moon-walking, why-walk-when-you-can-dance kind of shoes.
Too bad the bod doesn't come with the suit...
As a family we have a had a LOT of cats in our days.
We have 3 right now. My mom doesn't like all 3 cats to be in one room at the same time...she thinks it makes us look like those crazy cat people that are probably hiding 10 more in the next room (we aren't by the way).
Do you know of or remember the movie Oliver & Company?? This scene has ALWAYS reminded me of myself.
Would you find that funny or weird if I told you that I sing this song to my cats sometimes?
The whole inspiration for this post is that today is Jack & Stellas birthday.
Jack & Stella
As you can tell I *still* like dressing them up. Isn't it amazing how even animals can look annoyed??
"Im too old for this..."-jack